Booking.com is a world-leading service allowing to book different types of accommodation all over the world. Each day almost 1.5 million nights in over 150,000 destinations around the world are booked via booking.com. The secret of this popularity is effortless - the platform offers a convenient online booking service connecting providers and end-users, accessible for travelers. Service providers pay fees for using the platform.
Booking.com is a reliable service since the company carefully selects the service providers, and any break of agreements or too many companies from the end-users may terminate this agreement.
Booking.com is a reliable service since the company carefully selects the service providers, and any break of agreements or too many companies from the end-users may terminate this agreement.
1999 - Bookings.nl launched
2005 - The company was acquired by Priceline Group and had offices in the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany
2006 - Booking.com launched
2005 - The company was acquired by Priceline Group and had offices in the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany
2006 - Booking.com launched
Link to the Web: Booking.com
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Wide choice of accommodationsWebsite offers hotels, houses, apartments, world-famous resorts, exclusive villas and hostels, different types of properties for any budget. Geographically Booking.com offers to vary from the most visited countries to the most remote corners of the globe.
Special offersTravelers can always find great season or holiday offers. All they need is to subscribe to Booking.com email promotions and enjoy half-price accommodation.
Genuine reviewsBooking.com guarantees that all travelers' reviews posted on the website are from real travelers because they could be published if the accommodation was booked. The travelers can confirm that they lived in that specific hotel or apartment.
SupportAvailable 24/7 and offers services in 40+ different languages and dialects.
Convenient serviceBooking via the platform is straightforward and convenient. When you choose the hotel, you can exactly see the place where it is located and quickly evaluate how close it is to the main tourist attractions and transports.
Loyalty programBooking.com offers additional benefits to frequent users. For example, if the user has Genius 2 level status, he can get a 10-15% discount for booking, complimentary breakfast, or free room update.
No recent awards.
Since its founding in 1996 in Amsterdam, Booking.com has grown from a small Dutch start-up to one of the world's leading travel companies. It is a very convenient way for people to plan their journeys today.
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