Cheapflights is a global search engine, a part of KAYAK.com. The company is owned by “Booking Holdings” - an international travel holding that owns and operates world-famous travel giants, such as Booking.com. Agoda.com, Rentalcars.com.
Cheapflights.com helps to find the best flights, comparing the offers from different airlines and tour operators. Now the company connects over 120 million travelers with thousands of travel agents and the best airlines. The website itself does not sell tickets. It just helps to find the best options and redirects the users to other websites selling those tickets.
Cheapflights.com helps to find the best flights, comparing the offers from different airlines and tour operators. Now the company connects over 120 million travelers with thousands of travel agents and the best airlines. The website itself does not sell tickets. It just helps to find the best options and redirects the users to other websites selling those tickets.
1996 - Cheapflights was founded, and UK version of the website was launched
2000 - the site was bought by David Soskin and Hugo Burge
2003 - US version of the website was launched
2006 - Canadian version of the website was launched
2011 - Mobile site was launched, and company bought travel aggregator Momondo.com
2015 - UK version of the website was established as a metasearch engine
2017 - Booking Holdings bought Cheapflights and Momondo.com
2000 - the site was bought by David Soskin and Hugo Burge
2003 - US version of the website was launched
2006 - Canadian version of the website was launched
2011 - Mobile site was launched, and company bought travel aggregator Momondo.com
2015 - UK version of the website was established as a metasearch engine
2017 - Booking Holdings bought Cheapflights and Momondo.com
Link to the Web: Cheapflights
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Best pricesThe website offers a simple, fast, and efficient search. The search engine scans prices and allows users to compare the best offers and choose the cheapest tickets.
No commissionThe user can choose where to buy tickets - directly on the airline website, agency, or even from other travel companies. The prices that users see are the same as those of the supplier. The service fee is paid by the suppliers, not by the traveler.
Best travel options
The website allows to choose up to 4 travel suppliers to compare prices they offer. Search results are based on the combination of different points, such as price, carrier quality, and hours in the flight. Thus, the user can set priorities and decide what to choose - a cheaper flight or a more expensive but more comfortable plane.
No recent awards.
Using Cheapflights, you can compare prices from major airlines and suppliers, including small travel agents and find the best deal. Using this service can simplify the process of planning a trip.
Take a look at all flights companiesFind the best way to travel